You’ll be hard pressed to find someone with more genuine enthusiasm and love of life than Ethan Moore. Ethan is an energetic entertainer trying his best to share his zest for life with the rest of the world. Between singing, acting, writing, and playing too many instruments to count, Ethan Moore creates art and puts on a show that excites his audiences and leaves them with more joy in their life and hope in humanity than they had before. His songs are fun, making you want to get up and move, while his lyrics are deliberate, heartfelt, and easy to sing along to. This central Pennsylvanian who shares his time between there and Boston, Massachusetts, is the artist/content creator your life has been missing.

A creative swiss army knife, Ethan Moore does it all. His podcast sketch comedy show, Friday Night On The Air, set records for listeners when it was still on the Berklee Internet Radio Network, his zany holiday songs and music videos have received vast critical acclaim from all who’ve seen them, and his live music performances turn fighting friends in the audience into song and dance partners once again.
Ethan Moore just released his debut EP, Dear Reader. This collection of self-produced folk rock songs centers around the topic of what we mean to each other. Whether about drifting apart, falling in love, or just having breakfast together, Dear Reader captures the importance of real human connection, something that is becoming scarce in our isolated modern world.